The red bricks, terrazzo floors and pond greenery exude a unique Minnan-style architectural ambience, providing visitors with an artistic journey that brings together culture and nature.
Additional Information:
- General Check-in time at 15:00, check-out time at 11:00
- Infants are children under 109cm (or Age 0-5); children are 110cm-140cm tall (or Age 6-10); adults are those who over 141cm (or aged 11 and above).
- Family-friendly Services: Crib, Bumper, and Baby tub are available. Please make reservations in advance for the items you need.
- In order to maintain the quality of the hotel accommodation, pets are not permitted in rooms. *Except for guests on the pet room program*.
- For a comfortable stay, smoking is prohibited in the hotel except for the smoking area ( under the rain cover next to the corridor at the rear of the lobby).
A cleaning fee of NT$3,000 will be charged if there is smoke smell or cigarette butt residue in the room or balcony after check-out, and the cost of repairing if any damage caused.
To maintain a fresh and smoke-free accommodation environment, we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
- Please note that the guest room arrangement may be subject to change based on the actual accommodation.
- Weekdays, high season, holidays and other definitions are subject to the hotel announcements.